I’ve got to go to the Studio, by David Sherry

HD-video with sound,
03:07 min.
You have things to do, in the studio.
You are the CEO, Marketing Executive, Captain of ideas and Head of strategy. The opportunities are boundless now you have some decent snacks and a tin of sardines for lunch. Marcel Duchamp said the Studio was a place to 
breathe. Some call it the office, others go there to get away from work. Museums rebuild famous ones. In yours, you develop a branch of utterly pointless philosophy. You have failed to tick-off the practical jobs for today but formed a whole new list of useless tasks for tomorrow”.

I’ve got to go to the studio  was first performed at Alchemy Glasgow for G20 Artist Collective 2022.
Another work by David Sherry on the-artificial:
No question, one of my favourite art works, if not my absolute favourite
