Augmented Body in the Landscape, by Adrian Wood

The workshop Augmented Body in the Landscape aims to develop new pathways to experience the relationship between our bodies and the places we inhabit, and the ways that technology changes that relationship.
The participating artists chose from several sensing technologies: a stethoscope, a thermometer, a field recorder, a scent cone, and binoculars.
Each technology extends parts of the body that offer us sensory feedback — ears, eyes, nose, fingers (for touching). The participants explore the area using the technologies. They bring observations back into the studio, which they process through a series of language- and gesture-based prompts.
They then synthesize what they have generated – observations, gestures, language and sensory experience – to create a site-based embodied performance.
Augmented Body in the Landscape was created in collaboration with students of Katie Schetlick’s “Performing the Environment(s)” class at the University of Virginia on March 14, 2023.